Cacti & Succulents
Cacti and Succulents are fun to work with because they come in such a range of sizes and colors. The biggest benefit is that they are very low water, low maintenance plants, making them very easy to care for. They also add great color and interest to any garden.
We carry hundreds of cacti and succulents, including staple varieties such as Agave, Aloe, Echeveria, Crassula, Sedum, Haworthia, Kalanchoe, and Aeonium, as well as harder-to-find types like Lithops, Adenium, Alluaudia, Bursera, Calibanus, Pachypodium, Stapelia, etc.
They come in 2 inch and 4 inch size that work well in planters and small gardens. We also carry 5 gallon, 10 gallon, and 15 gallon plants which are perfect for making a statement in the landscape.
Available year round.